

1984 Apple Macintosh

I can’t fathom a world without Steve Jobs. As a kid in the 70s and 80s, I’d had exposure to lots of computers–the Apple I & II, Commodore Pets, Amigas, and TI TRS-80s–but it wasn’t until I encountered my first Mac in 1985 that I cared about a computer. With that first Mac in my high school art class, I learned the basics of desktop publishing, created my first digital art and design projects...

Microsoft announces Surface Lite

In a surprise announcement today, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced what’s being hailed by PC experts as an “iPad killer”: the Microsoft Surface Lite. “I don’t think anyone wants a touch-screen device that you can’t put drinks or a snack on. Apple has some interesting ideas, but at the end of the day, where am I going to put my Super Big Gulp of Diet Pepsi...

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