Gita Lenz & Gordon Stettinius: Gita Lenz: New York Views (via Gita Lenz: New York Views: Slideshow: Places: Design Observer)
Gita Lenz & Gordon Stettinius: Gita Lenz: New York Views via Gita Lenz: New York Views: Slideshow: Places: Design Observer
Gita Lenz & Gordon Stettinius: Gita Lenz: New York Views via Gita Lenz: New York Views: Slideshow: Places: Design Observer
Pin-Up at the Mirror by Edward D’Ancona 1945
Via vintagegal
Mimi by Gil Elvgren
Via vintageladies
City of New York Municipal Airports
Via my-ear-trumpet » kosmokrator
The main concourse at Grand Central Terminal, 1929 via New York: Portrait of a City | PDN Photo of the Day
New York Stock Exchange, 1903 (Shorpy)
Via kateoplis
Las Vegas Strip via anotherkindoftension